We start our monthly blogs with the woman who inspired one of us to dive into the world of
scrapbooking and thanks to whom Scrapbooky became a reality. That’s why she is the first artist who
takes part in our first monthly blog.

Hi,what’s your name?
My name is Polina

What’s the name of your business?
Powi’s Shop

Tell us more about yourself.
I’ve been navigating the turbulent path of life, crisscrossing the streets of Sofia for 36 years… both
metaphorically and literally, because my primary profession is a real estate agent. I have the
privilege of being a mother of two wonderful little boys, rediscovering the world through their eyes,
and tirelessly finding meaning through their dreams. It seems I’ve transferred my dreamer
personality to them.

How long have you been involved in crafting/handmade?
I’ve always lover creating stuff with my hands, and this particular manifestation of my inclination
began about 10 years ago.

How and why did you choose to pursue this exactly?
I started absolutely randomly and unintentionally. A friend had a birthday, but he was sick, so we
bought him a bottle of ‘medicine’ and I thought ‘’This gift needs a card – a medical prescription”, and
that’s how I sat down and made one. Gradually, I started making cards for holidays for my loved
ones. The feedback was positive, and soon they started ordering cards from me, recommending me
to their acquaintances, and that’s how the wheel started turning.

What do you create?
Personalized cards, invitations, albums and frames with hand-written inscriptions with a strong focus
on those in Cyrillic, which are a much greater challenge.

Describe why you enjoy being an artist in 3 words.
Freedom, tranquillity, satisfaction.

Favourite colour combination?
Hmm, I don’t think I have a favourite one. I like to experiment.

Where do you feel inspired the most?
“Where” is not usually a factor; “when” is more important, and the answer is when I’m at peace.

What do you like to listen to while you work?
It depends on my mood and the current task. I sometimes switch during the process, but it’s usually
classical, acoustic versions of popular songs, sometimes rock, and sometimes soft, heart wrenching
songs for hours… It’s a tricky question.

How do you spend your time when you’re not working?
When I’m not at work I usually think about what I need to get done. I also steal some time for
reading - I can’t live without books. I enjoy watching meaningful movies, and almost every week I
escape to the mountains for a while. It might be just for a few hours, but it’s like a life elixir for my
body and most importantly for my mind. I also relax while experimenting in the kitchen. I can’t
follow recipes, so I create stuff there too. I enjoy taking photos – landscapes (forests, seas, cities),
houses, accents, ornaments, emotions, smiles, tears, whatever catches my eye and impresses me.

If you weren’t an artist what your job would be?
A librarian.

Would you like to add anything else?
I want to add meaning and colour to everything.

Where can we find your work?

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